Establishing and Personalizing Your Advance Health Care Directive
A well-designed estate plan will include an advance health care directive, which is comprised of a living will and a health care proxy. ...

Funding Your Trust: An Imperative Step to Completing Your Estate Plan
I recently had a client call me for advice about administering her father’s estate. Her father thought he had completed his estate plan...

Include Your Digital Assets when Making Plans for Your Estate
My dad was one of the most organized people I have ever known. He had lists for everything – including his online account passwords. It...

Estate Planning Enemy Number One: Procrastination
“The best way to get something done is to begin.” - Author Unknown Financial planners often tell their clients that it is never too early...

Be the Main Character in Deciding How Your Estate is Distributed: A Brief Checklist for Creating or
What do best selling authors Tom Clancy and Stieg Larsson have in common? The most obvious answer, of course, is that they were both...

Introducing Pratt Law
About Pratt Law Pratt Law offers sophisticated, customized, high quality estate planning for individuals and families of all ages and...